Lent is a time for intentional re-connection with God, “by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.”
In the main church building
Sunday April 13- Palm Sunday Service 9am
Coffee & Conversation in the Rectory
Sunday April 20- Easter Sunday Service 9am
Followed by an Easter Egg Hunt for the Kids
Coffee & Conversation in the Rectory
Tues. March 4, 2025
5pm in the Undercroft
We will also be decorating & burying our Alleluias
Non-Perishable Food or Monetary Donations are welcome
Eucharist Service & Imposition of Ashes- 6pm
with Fr. Chan
Friday Evenings 6:00pm
Inside main church
Designate a spot in your home to be a Lenten Altar Space for You/Your Family. Place a special cloth or scarf down (preferably purple). Add a candle and a cross. You may also wish to put a small vase of flowers or prayer beads/rosary a picture of Jesus or other items that draw you closer to Christ.
Ash Wednesday begins Lent, a season of repentance and renewal of our faith.
Read More About Ash Wednesday
The Book of Common Prayer contains two orders of service for private confession, known officially as the Reconciliation of a Penitent. Making a private confession is a traditional and powerful spiritual practice, and the choice to confess or not confess to a priest is governed by the old adage: All may, some should, none must.