732 11th Ave. Prospect Park, Pa 19076
732 11th Ave. Prospect Park, Pa 19076
Weekly Schedule
Sunday Service with Rev. Henry Chan
9am - Followed by Coffee & Conversation in the Rectory
The adherents of the Protestant Episcopal faith of the borough have formed a congregation, and all effort has been started toward the erection of a sanctuary in the borough.
(Chester Times, December 20, 1906)
Located on Lincoln Ave, St James Blessing Box offers both a food pantry & lending library for the community.
Feel free to add your own donations to the box, or take items as needed
April 13 - Palm Sunday Service 9am
April 20 - Easter Sunday Service 9am
Easter Egg Hunt to follow for the children
Wednesdays @11:30am
in the Rectory
The knitting group will meet in the Rectory at 10am on Wednesdays
November is Stewardship Month
This years Stewardship campaign is
Walk in Love
If you would like to honor a family member on the altar with Candles or Flowers, please call the office to check on open dates.
If you would like a name added to the Prayer List please call the office 610-461-6698 or email stjames732@gmail.com
We are always looking for new faces to Usher, Acolyte & Read on Sundays. (Training will be provided if necessary)
Don't forget you can drop off your soda can tabs and ink cartridges in the back of the church for recycling.